Real Estate Advertising Ideas – 5 Unique Advertising Options

Real Estate Advertising Ideas

When building customer-base for real estate, success is not an overnight feat. It will involve a lot of hard work. Letting other people know of your business or about the property you sell does not totally mean that you have to place lots of text-based ads all over. You have to be creative to excite your potential buyers. Here are some tips for your next real estate advertising goal.

Create a video walk through of the house. Take advantage of the technology offered by smartphones and drones. Using them plus your creativity, you can shoot at different parts of the house to present realistic view of what you are selling.
Build free offers to collect email addresses. If you are observant, you probably can see that a lot of websites and blogs have pop-ups offering free trials, free newsletters, pdf downloads of articles, and a lot more. By simply filling out the electronic forms, users can give you email addresses which you can later use to send out your offers of real estate properties being sold.
Be a resource person for local TV networks and radio stations. By being an expert person on real estate, you can actually gain the attention of local TV networks and radio stations. It’s like applying for a job but if you’re able to hook with them, you will have a great venue to advertise the properties in your portfolio. You can email them to send either a letter stating your endeavor or a short video presenting yourself as an expert and willing to be their resource person on subjects related to real estate.
Take advantage of the trending internet memes. Admit it or not, you are also among the bunch of internet users who are enthused with the trending memes we see. They carry a range of graphics ranging from animation characters, Hollywood stars, animals, and a lot more. Depending on the graphics and the texts that go with them, they become instruments to send-off messages to those who see them. With this said, then you can have memes that actually persuade people to buy the property you are selling or call them to action to avail your services as a real estate agent.
Have video testimonials done by previous clients. Go beyond the usual testimonials which are fully textual and placed on specific sections of the website or blog. Instead, ask for video testimonials from your past clients. Aside from presenting their real experiences, you present real people to potential customers.
Go unique. Go beyond the usual. Exhaust your creative juice to excite your clients. Real estate marketing is tasking and will need you to work your way to become a brand and an authority.

5 Key Steps To A More Effective, Successful, Open House

Successful Open House

Although some believe holding an Open House is critical to the sale of a house, in reality, it is just one component in an overall marketing/ selling plan and system. While nearly every real estate agent conducts these events, their value often substantially differs, depending on how they are used and run. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review, and discuss five essential vital steps to make them as successful as they might be. Unless/ until these are done effectively and efficiently, there is the risk that they are wasted in terms of time, money, effort, energy, and potential results.

1. Marketing/ promoting: The best results come from determining the best approach/ way to market and encourage them. Which advertising media might make the most sense for this particular property? Why do you believe so? How will you achieve the most bang – for – the – buck? Start by identifying the niche, if any, this House and property fit best, and then investigate the best options to attract the right, qualified potential buyers. While everyone wants a big crowd to be attracted to their Open House, unless/ until it is predominantly genuine buyers rather than House – hunters, you will probably not achieve the most desirable objective.

2. Greeting/ welcoming: You only get one chance to make a first impression. This adage is valid for the house/ property regarding curb appeal, staging, eliminating odors/ clutter, and other negatives. It is also true of the agent conducting it and how he greets and meets people at the door, whether they feel welcome and appreciated, and directs them forward.

3. Sign-in: You won’t be able to follow – through effectively until/ unless you get as much information, as possible, about everyone who attends. While I prefer to get them to sign – in via a digital tablet, at least it’s essential. At least get them to do it manually. How can you follow – up if you don’t have this? When you use a digital program/ application, you can streamline the process by automatically transmitting follow-up emails immediately.

4. Show/ Questions and Answers: How well you show the House often depends on how comfortably you welcome and encourage questions with genuine empathy and the thoroughness of your answers/ responses.

5. Follow-up: A real estate agent should consider an Open House as marketing for the subject House and you as an agent. Will you stand – out from the crowd by being proactive? Use the opportunity to follow – up on selling this property and make appointments to show other houses to those who aren’t interested.

Open – houses require much care, attention, time, effort, and expenditure. Doesn’t getting them the most bang for the buck make sense?

Luxury Condos Can Be Eco-Friendly, Too

Eco Friendly Condos

These days, the ‘green’ label gets thrown around a lot. There’s no end to the list of things advertised as less harmful to the environment than their traditional counterparts. Far from following the trend, the housing industry has long been ahead of the curve. Residential development continues at the forefront of this commitment to green building, with alternative insulation materials going mainstream, solar panels popping up on rooftops nationwide, and water-saving technology becoming the norm. But while these additions and renovations can be great, many eco-minded homebuyers don’t realize how efficient and environmentally friendly it can be to live in multi-unit buildings. Luxury condos are green by their very nature!

The Benefits of Population Density

The more a single structural element, utility, or appliance can be shared, the more efficient it is. In a luxury condo, a shared wall does what two separate divisions would in houses. That translates to half as much building material to construct the wall, whether it’s wood, brick, concrete, etc. It’s common for utilities to be centralized in a condominium complex. The water heater serves multiple units, which is far more efficient than heating multiple small water heaters. The same holds for air-conditioning and heating, which benefit from scaling up and serving various residences. Combining these functions that would need to be replicated at each home, multi-unit homes maximize the efficient use of building materials and electricity.

Space to Breathe

On the other side of the equation, minimizing sprawl by sharing structures and appliances leaves more room on the property for outdoor features. Luxury condominiums have a much smaller footprint per-unit basis than individual homes. This means the grounds can be more extensive and luxurious, with water features and even small community gardens that would not be possible on many small lots.

The Cutting Edge

While luxury condos are environmentally friendly by nature, developers are increasingly using multi-unit residential construction to push the boundaries of green living. This is owed, at least in part, to the overwhelmingly green values and trends displayed by young, hip urbanites. Young professionals have shown especially significant interest in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification for buildings. LEED certification encourages developers to incorporate alternative energy sources like solar panels for electricity or hot water. Another LEED innovation is using so-called grey water systems to recycle sink and drain water into the landscape. This water-saving technology is trendy in the arid West, where drought has forced California and Arizona cities to mandate public water cuts.

Today, many homebuyers are interested in spending on environmentally responsible housing choices. Whether it’s a first home or a retirement pad, more and more buyers should look to luxury condos as eco-friendly options.

6 Green House Considerations

Green House

Because of the many environmental concerns, threats, and considerations, many buyers and homeowners today have become more – and – more concerned with various factors, often referred to as a green real estate. There are many considerations, variations, and degrees of greening individuals are interested in. Some (however, a minority) are real environmentalists and want their homes to exhibit their concern and attention to this critical issue. Others merely want to proceed in a somewhat balanced manner and wish to include reasonable green characteristics. This article will be a basic one and discuss, in general terms, six considerations regarding making your home greener.

1. Windows and doors: Energy conservation is a primary environmental concern. We often speak about a business’s carbon footprint, but certain houses are far more energy-efficient than others. When were your windows replaced and upgraded, and are they efficient? Do they keep out most of the cold in the winter and minimize the heat that enters in the hottest weather? What materials are your windows and doors made of? Do your doors leak? Begin by having someone do an energy inspection and see if you are losing much heat because of inefficiencies. Doors can often be made more efficient by having them re-hung and putting an adequately installed sweep on the bottom of the door. How much money and energy are you wasting?

2. Solar, geothermal, etc.: Some houses are candidates for solar panels, while others are not! What direction does your roof face? Are there any large trees blocking your roof? How many hours a day of the sun does your roof experience? Have you had your home examined to discover whether you might be a good candidate for geothermal? This often requires combining and evaluating your property, pitch, location, and layout.

3. Energy-efficient burners/ boilers and air conditioners: When was the last energy efficiency evaluation you performed? How old is your burner/ boiler, and is it efficient? What type of air conditioning do you use, and what is the Energy Efficiency Rating?

4. Roof: Light-colored roofs reflect heat, while darker ones absorb it. Therefore, doesn’t it make sense that warmer climates should use lighter ones and colder ones have darker ones? What is the material being used? Is it efficient, effective, and safe? How old is the roof?

5. Insulation: What is your insulation rating, and how well insulated is the house? Have the walls (especially outside ones) checked for efficiency? Older homes tend not to have updated insulation or may contain less than the safest materials. An ounce of prevention makes lots of sense!

6. Materials: Using safe, sustainable materials in your house? This is generally more relevant in newer houses or extensions, but if you are concerned with the environment, consider your home’s sustainability, safety, and impacts!

There are numerous environmental considerations. Whether you are genuinely committed to the environment or merely want to be responsible and save money (and be safer), it makes sense to think green!

5 Simple Energy Conservation Ideas For Your Home

Home Conservation Ideas

While most potential home buyers consider their monthly mortgage payments (including principal, interest, and escrow/ taxes), many fail to consider other monthly homeownership expenses adequately. Perhaps the highest cost is energy-related activities, including electricity and heart. The purpose of this article is not to examine the many alternative heating alternatives, including solar, geothermal, etc., but to review some simple steps one can somewhat easily take to make their home more energy-efficient and friendly. Let’s look at five simple, basic energy conservation ideas/actions.

1. Windows and doors: What is the Energy Efficiency Ratio of your entry doors? What material are they made of? How are they hung? How much air is seeping out, through the spaces created, because of their alignment? Assuring your door has a bottom sweep and the areas around the top and sides are reduced/ eliminated will prevent heat from escaping in the winter and air conditioning during summer. What blinds or curtains are you using, and are you using them to let the sun in when it is cold out while reducing the entry of the sun’s heat when it is hot? When did you last check your windows regarding air-tightness, energy rating, and tinting (if your local climate indicates doing so)?

2. Insulation: Every form of insulation comes with an R rating. This number indicates the amount of insulation, but are you confident all exterior walls and ceilings are properly insulated? Doing so might potentially save a considerable amount of unnecessary energy costs.

3. Energy-efficient appliances: Certain home appliances, especially refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioners, have become far more energy-efficient in recent years. How old are you? Look at the rating, and it will indicate how much energy a particular appliance might be using. When I recently replaced my refrigerator, the new one was far more efficient (therefore, cost less) than my 15 – year old model. Similarly, today’s oil and gas burners and boilers are far more efficient than ever!

4. Water and toilet: Are there dripping faucets or toilets that continue to run -? Eliminate the drips, change faucet heads (especially in the shower), and check the efficiency of your bathrooms.

5. Lights/ fixtures: Begin by turning the lights off when you leave the room! What type of light bulb are you using? Today’s bulbs are four or more times more efficient (use less energy/ wattage) than older ones. Do lamps and fixtures – review regularly!

These five ideas may seem basic and obvious, but you’d be amazed how few people consider these. Unless you like wasting energy and spending more than you need to, using these simple conservation methods will save money and reduce energy waste.

3 Reasons to Invest in Eco Friendly Properties​

Invest in Eco Friendly Properties

Rewarding yourself with a new house? Why not go green and eco-friendly? It has plenty of benefits, 3 of which are discussed below.

Eco-friendly homes use natural materials during construction.

There are many choices of eco-friendly construction materials. They range from recycled wood, half-raw and half-recycled, and those made from dirt, straw, and clay. According to experts, these materials contribute less to the greenhouse effect. They trap less harmful gases while allowing for a more accessible entry of natural light and air in and out of the house.

Overall, environment-friendly homes are known to exhibit better indoor environment quality. Improved lighting conditions, better air quality, and natural thermal conditions are some of the natural benefits one can get when buying eco-homes.

Eco-friendly homes are also health-friendly

The natural materials used in eco-homes are also health-friendly. This benefits individuals with health conditions like asthma and other respiratory problems. Several studies have linked the use of eco-friendly materials in home construction. Individuals who are known asthma patients exhibited significant changes in health conditions.

Further studies revealed that more natural materials help facilitate cleaner airflow inside homes. They are also less likely to contain plastic by-products that release toxic substances. These substances are generally linked to carcinogens or substances that contribute to the development of cancer cells.

These days, developers are more aware of the health consequences of the materials they use when constructing properties. Home buyers need the proper information to educate or warn them that eco-friendly homes are among the best choices when health conditions are considered.

Environment-friendly homes are energy-efficient

Today’s thrust in the construction of properties gives on energy efficiency. It is known that the earth’s natural resources, from which man depends for water and energy, are becoming quickly depleted. To contribute to conservation efforts, eco-friendly houses are designed to not primarily rely on non-renewable energy sources.

It is now common to see houses being put on sale that is designed with solar panels. With these, energy consumption is likely reduced to about a third compared to dependency on coal or other non-renewable energy sources for electricity.

Do not just think about yourself; think about Mother Earth too! Living in an environment-friendly house can be one of your unconscious contributions towards nature conservation and protection.

Tips for Making Use of Natural Lighting When Building a House

Use of Natural Light When Building a House

Natural light is bestowed by nature free of any charge. The more of it that enters your house, the more advantages you’ll get from it. Imagine the cost you’ll be able to save from your electricity bills. It also gives your house a refreshing glance because it imbibes positive energy. Here are some tips to let natural light help enlighten your home.

Build a house where the sun is oriented. Most builders recommend having most windows face the south direction. They will get the most sunlight than have it lost. According to experts, north light is more pleasing and free of glare. East and west-faced windows get more sunlight but can be challenging to manage, trap more of the sun’s energy, and give a hotter feel. If you can’t avoid having east and west-faced windows, be sure to have low E-coatings on those windows. Deciduous trees can also help give shade during the summer months and let more sunlight enter during the winter months because they shed leaves.

Have light control materials in your windows. Curtains and blinds are lightweight control materials that will help natural light enter your house, depending on your desired amount. During the first hours of the morning, it is good to get sunlight in because it gives a refreshing energy to move. As the day heightens, the curtains and blinds will help you control the amount of sun. They may seem low-tech, but they can help keep in or keep out the amount of sun’s light you need.

Have a daylight harvesting system installed. This is an automated system that, through the help of sensors and detectors, can control the light inside your house. It combines natural and artificial light to illuminate the parts of the house. This system detects the natural light intensity and signals the artificial light to give off the correct percentage of luminescence to give an atmosphere conducive to productivity.

Natural light is essential in a house. Aside from illumination, it gives health benefits, particularly to the skin, which needs the natural vitamin E that it provides. However, maintaining the amount of natural light that enters the house is still within the owner’s control. Through the tips above, it is hoped that you somehow grasped the general idea of keeping natural light inside your house just as needed.

Tips for Using Recyclable Materials in Your Building Plans

Recyclable Materials in Building Your Home

Using recycled materials in green homes and buildings is one of the most common ways to show sustainability. Aside from economic benefits, seeing recycled or salvaged materials never fail to imbibe a feel-good factor into one’s mood. Here are some tips on incorporating recycled materials into your green home.

Recycled woods are as effective as finished wood but are generally cheaper. Recycled timbers, aside from structural uses in walls and windows, can seamlessly find services in drawers, cabinets, and shelves.

Old newspapers should not only find their way into paper mache. They can be used as insulation. Carton egg trays also serve this very same purpose. Hundreds of dollars can be saved from your pockets with this simple act.

Raid your kitchen with empty wine bottles and mason jars. If you think they can be used only as pen holders and organizers of tiny tots, you’ll be surprised that they can be used to build a house. Search for various inspirations on the internet and see a wine farm in Australia that used abu 13500 wine bottles to design a water-heating facility. Similarly, a Canadian man used 25000 wine bottles to create his house.

Dating back to the 1900s, empty wine bottles have various uses in building homes. In the United States, you can find several homes with walls with embedded bottles. The idea is like hitting two birds with one stone, as it serves aesthetic and structural purposes.

Reimagine your bathroom by using sea-sourced materials. If you’re living near the shorelines, it is a wise idea to use natural materials you can find and pick from them. Shells and pebbles of various colors, shapes, and sizes can be perfect inclusions in the walls and floors of your bathroom. Isn’t this idea very refreshing to embrace? This one can also save you from the usual high costs of bathroom tiles in home depots.

Sustainable living is an idea that one may find very difficult to embrace and carry out. But with proper thinking and inspiration, it is an endeavor that can become an easy reality. Start exercising your environment-friendly minds. And always remember that your very own household bins can become first-hand sources of recycled materials you can use to realize a green home.

Tips for Making Your Neighborhood More Eco-Friendly

More Eco-Friendly Neighborhood

It’s not just your house that you should be concerned enough to turn green. After exerting efforts to make your place as sustainable and eco-friendly as possible, why don’t you do homework with your neighbors and turn your neighborhood into eco-friendly too? Here are some tips.

I am sharing garden space. Why would I share my garden with my neighbors? There are various benefits you can get from this act. First, your new garden can be a space that supports plant and flower life. It can be turned into one that yields fruits and vegetables. Some organizations are willing to give seeds in return for the favor of using your garden for their activities.

You are establishing neighborhood cooperatives. Many success stories have been told about the establishment of neighborhood cooperatives. These can range from types that support the collection of recyclable wastes from the neighborhood and turn them over to more extensive recycling facilities in exchange for cash. The recyclers can often drop by at your designated place at specific intervals to pick up what you have collected. This is an efficient way of teaching your neighbors the importance of solid waste reduction.

Neighborhood coops can also be the types that produce processed or bottled foods, baked goodies, and other small-scale profitable ventures.

Encourage the holding of swap days. It takes a lot of energy to make new things. It will also involve natural raw materials to make things you usually like. Taking inspiration from the old barter system of our ancestors, why don’t you initiate the staging of swap days among your neighbors every weekend?

This is an excellent opportunity to score the stuff you like and make friends with your neighbors. It will strengthen cooperation among neighbors while allowing everyone in your community to partake in conservation efforts.

If you’re good at baking, why not bring in some goodies?? You can exchange it for a fit vase for your center table. There are a lot of possible trades that can happen. You can even make it a swap party anchored with a weekly theme so things for swaps will have some variety.

Making your neighborhood eco-friendly can also be a goal for developing a pleasant place where people are always willing to exert an extra dose of helpfulness.

Your local real estate agent is just a call away for other real estate concerns. They have expert advice that can help you own an eco-friendly house.

Benefits of Hiring an Asbestos Removal Company

Asbestos Removal Company

Asbestos is mainly used as a fire-resistant material in houses and other buildings. They have been in practice since the later 20th century as well. But even if it helps resist fire – it still is highly harmful to health and the surrounding. Diseases like lung cancer and asbestosis are ailments people can suffer from asbestos exposure. That is why before buying a building or house, even selling it, there should be a thorough inspection for any signs of contamination or asbestos. If there is, eliminating and removing such toxic substances should be done immediately.

All of these can be done by a reliable and professional company specializing in removing asbestos. They have the right resources and skills that are needed in the removal of asbestos. They are also experts in handling this type of dangerous thing. Rest assured that a proper and legitimate company can remove asbestos from your property. The more the dangers and risks of asbestos are coming out in the open, the more people contact removal companies to take off this. With the safe removal of asbestos, people are resting in peace, knowing that they are out of danger from the side effects of the fibers present in the asbestos. This is why contacting a removal company dealing with asbestos is essential.

Here are a few more reasons for hiring a removal company concerning asbestos contamination.

They work with Safety Measures and the Right Equipment – As we have seen, asbestos can lead to serious health issues. If you inhale asbestos by any chance, it will cause neck swelling and difficulty swallowing. Asbestos is a toxic substance that must be removed at any cost to prevent future problems. With an asbestos removal service provider, you can be assured that they will use high-end equipment to remove such dangerous material. Moreover, they are professionals and will use safety measures to secure asbestos from the property or building.
They are Trained Professionals – As you probably know, an asbestos removal service provider needs to hold a license to run the company and prove its legitimacy. The same goes for the employees of the company as well. Since asbestos is hazardous and should be removed with care, the workers must undergo extensive training and be professionals, as the asbestos fibers should be removed carefully and handled delicately. They also have to acquire experience to work in this field. This is why all the removal company workers are trained and experienced for being able to work in this field. They work so that they succeed in removing the asbestos and preventing the spreading of the particles around.
Proper Disposal – Removing the asbestos from a building is not the only thing the removal service providers do. This is because asbestos must also be disposed of to prevent further spreading. An asbestos removal company can help by taking proper measures to dispose of the substance.