Ready For House Valuation?

Taking the proper steps to prepare for your home valuation will make the process easy for the valuation expert and yourself. In this article, we will give you a few tips that can help you prepare for your home valuation.
It is a great idea to clean, declutter and repair your home before the valuation begins. A little dust here and there won’t be a problem, but a lot of clutter scattered around your house will create a wrong impression. Therefore, you may want to make your home as tidy as possible. Read on.
Key areas to focus on:
Mow your lawn and clean it
Clean your kitchen and bathroom areas
Sweep and vacuum
Remove the rubbish
You should have at least five photos of your house in your valuation report. Typically, it would be best to take pictures of your home’s pool areas, backyard, bathrooms, kitchen, and front. Therefore, these areas should be clean and tidy.
Provide Access
Make sure each of your rooms is accessible. You can boost the process by providing easy access to all the rooms. The reason is that the valuer will need to measure your house.
Provide Documentation
Before the valuation day, you may want to provide the valuation expert with a printed or digital copy of the building plans. This way, you can speed up the process until the valuation is complete. You may also provide other documents that the valuation expert may ask for.
Provide Additional Information
If you know the value of other similar houses in your neighborhood, let the valuer know about it. You can also provide evidence of this, such as the contact details of a real estate agent or sales figures.
Don’t Miss Anything
If your house has a few difficult-to-see features, you can inform the professional. For example, if you have done a renovation lately, you may want to let the valuation expert see the cost of it.
Be Realistic and honest.
Make sure you are honest with the valuer. Expert valuers can determine your property value. Therefore, you don’t need to exaggerate as it will be useless. The valuer’s job is to assess the value of your property based on the market value and selling price of similar houses in your neighborhood.
Keep your Dogs at your House!
Before the valuation, you don’t need to leave your dog at your friend’s house. The valuation expert doesn’t mind seeing pets in your house.
Valuation Time
Usually, house valuations take about an hour or so for most properties. However, if you have a large property, it may take longer.
The Takeaway
After the valuation, the expert will need a few days to research and assess based on many factors. Therefore, ensure your property is in excellent condition before the valuation begins.