Amenities Housing Societies Must Have

Sports and recreation are critical elements of a balanced and happy lifestyle. However, people’s lives in metropolitan cities are increasingly characterized by a strenuous work culture, which, combined with the rise of technology-driven electronic gadgets, is becoming a barrier to healthy living. While most people want to relax and take care of their health after returning from the office, they are either too tired or don’t have access to recreational places in their immediate vicinity.
Let us now look at some essential sports and recreational amenities that should be a part of every housing society!
1. Swimming Pool
Swimming is a rigorous, full-body exercise that can significantly improve our fitness levels. It boosts the weight loss process, aids muscle toning, improves lung capacity, and helps maintain heart health. After a long and tiring day at work, a pool session can provide a rejuvenating experience. For this reason, modern residential societies designed by the best housing architects generally include a swimming pool.
2. Indoor Games
People sometimes want to stay away from an intense physical workout and relax. Indoor games such as snooker and billiards, carom boards, bowling, table tennis, indoor skating, etc., help people beat stress and feel refreshed. Moreover, most indoor sports can be played by people of all ages, so including them is beneficial for the health of all residents.
3. Health Clubs & Gymnasium
Nowadays, a gymnasium is a must-have amenity in every housing society. Working out helps us keep our blood pressure in control and get a perfectly toned body. Considering this, the top residential architects build housing societies with high-tech gyms, state-of-the-art equipment, and the best trainers.
4. Outdoor Sports
Playing outdoor sports is the most preferred way of staying fit and healthy. Amenities for playing popular sports, such as cricket, badminton, and volleyball, can be incorporated into most modern housing societies. Besides, a segregated children’s playing area with slides and swings could also be included.
5. Multipurpose Hall
Activities like yoga, meditation, and aerobics have gained immense popularity and are increasingly becoming a significant part of people’s regular lives. In such a scenario, including a multipurpose hall that allows residents to practice these activities can help them relax and promote their well-being.